Introduction to Lab Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal Manual

1.1 Health and Safety at the University

1.2 About this Manual

1.3 Environmental Legislation

1.4 University of Toronto Policies, Guidelines and Manuals

1.1 Health and Safety at the University

The University of Toronto is committed to the proper management of hazardous wastes. Proper management of wastes will minimize the risk to employees and members of the public, reduce the risk of release of hazardous material to the environment and enable the University to better manage the costs of disposal.

A variety of hazardous wastes are produced at the University, primarily from research and teaching laboratories. For generators of biological, chemical or radioactive wastes, the University provides a hazardous waste management service through the Environmental Protection Services , a division of Facilities and Services under the VP of University Operations. The staff of this group collects, processes and packages all biological, chemical and radioactive wastes generated at the University of Toronto. Any questions with respect to the disposal of these wastes should be directed to this Section at 416.978.7000 or e-mail


1.2    About This Manual

This guide and the accompanying procedures apply to all operations on University campuses generating hazardous chemical, radioactive, biological or sharp wastes. The objective of the manual is to provide information to handle safely, and in an environmentally-responsible manner the hazardous wastes produced by the University.

The basic elements of the Hazardous Waste Management program include the following:

  • waste minimization techniques
  • packaging requirements
  • labelling requirements
  • storage requirements.The waste handling procedures are mandatory when preparing waste for disposal.

These procedures cover all students, faculty and staff, including teaching and research laboratory personnel working with hazardous materials. Private companies or individuals renting space and facilities from the University must abide by all applicable environmental legislation as well as University procedures and arrange for the disposal of hazardous wastes through the Environmental Protection Services. There may be a charge back to the company for disposal services.

1.3     Environmental Legislation

The proper handling, transport and disposal of hazardous wastes in Ontario are governed by a variety of municipal, provincial and federal items of legislation. These include:

  • Environmental Protection Act (Ontario)
    Air Pollution – General Regulation (O.Reg. 346)
    Waste Management – General Regulation (O.Reg. 347)
    Waste Management – PCB Regulation (O.Reg. 362)
  • Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (Canada)
  • Environmental Protection Act (Canada)
  • Environmental Contaminants Act (Canada)
    Guidelines for the Management of PCB Wastes
  • Nuclear Safety and Control Act (Canada)
    Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulation
    Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) Regulatory Guides
  • Pest Control Products Act (Canada)
  • Pesticides Act and Regulations (Ontario)
  • Metropolitan Toronto By-Law 457-2000: To regulate the discharge of sewage and land drainage

1.4     University of Toronto Policies, Guidelines and Manuals

The University of Toronto has several policies that impact on hazardous waste management activities:

Additionally, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety University of Toronto manuals and guidelines may be consulted for further information:

All University materials are available on the Office of Environmental Health and Safety website.