What to do in the event of an injury or incident:
1. Get medical attention.
First aid: Locate the nearest first aid station or call Campus Safety.
Medical treatment: Call 911* and Campus Safety.
St. George/UTSC: 416.978.2222
UTM: 905.569.4333
Individuals are asked to contact Campus Safety after contacting 911 as Special Constables will at most time, be the first responders on scene and provide additional assistance. Campus Safety can also escort and provide access to emergency responders as buildings may be locked after business hours.
Please note, 911 does not always notify Campus Safety for service.
2. Report the injury or incident to a UofT contact.
3. Submit an Accident/Incident eForm within 24 hours.
*Some landlines at the University may still require you to dial “9” before an external number (e.g. 9-911). MS Teams cannot be used to dial 911.
If you have questions about the incident reporting process, please refer to What to Expect After An Incident is Reported. For employees, you may be contacted by Alight (formerly known as Reedgroup) who administers WSIB claims on behalf of the University
Updated: Oct 23, 2024
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Getting Started
General information on reporting an accident or incident.

Accident/Incident eForm
Submit an accident/incident eForm.

Reporting for UofT Employees
Specific information on accident/incident reporting for UofT employees.

Critical Injuries and Fatalities
Requirements for reporting critical injuries and fatalities.
Getting Started
These procedures outline the reporting requirements for accidents, incidents, and occupational illnesses which result in or have the potential to result in personal injury or property damage (Read more: What are Reportable Incidents?).
Where applicable, departments are responsible for reviewing the incident, determining the contributing factors, and completing follow-up actions (if applicable) to prevent re-occurrence. Depending on the incident, other UofT departments may be involved in the incident investigation/follow-up actions.
Reporting of accidents, incidents, and occupational illnesses involving a fatality (death), critical injury, lost time, or health care (by a medical practitioner) is required for employees under both the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act.
In addition to the above legal reporting requirements, the University requires the reporting of all accidents to any person, whether or not a personal injury is involved.
If you have any questions, contact EHS (ehs.office@utoronto.ca). The incident report will also be reviewed by EHS and the department may be contacted if there are further questions or recommendations.
Includes all full-time, part-time, sessional, and casual employees and graduate teaching assistants (TAs) when they are performing TA duties.
- All employees must report the accident/incident to their supervisor or home department immediately.
- Within 24 hours, the supervisor must complete and submit the Accident/Incident eForm for Employees.
- Ensure you have all the required information available.
- Work-study students: If an incident/injury occurs when performing paid activities as part of the work-study activities (i.e., during the course of employment), complete the Employee form.
Students, Contractors, and Visitors
Includes undergraduate students, graduate students (except when performing TA duties), non-UofT contractors, visitors, and members of the general public present or working in University workplaces.
- All non-employees involved in an accident/incident must report the event to a UofT contact.
- Within 24 hours, the UofT contact must complete and submit the Accident/Incident eForm for Students, Contractors and Visitors.
- Ensure you have all the required information available.
- Work-study students: If an incident/injury occurs outside of the course of work-study activities/employment (e.g., as part of the student’s work-study academic or research activities and not during course of paid employment), complete the Students, Contractors, and Visitors form.
Students on Unpaid Work Placements
Includes students participating in unpaid placements.
- Students participating in unpaid placements must immediately report all workplace injuries/illnesses to their placement employer and to their placement coordinator at the University of Toronto.
- Submit the form below to placements@utoronto.ca.
- For complete information on placements, see the Student Placement webpage.
- For any questions about student placement accident reporting or the accident reporting form, please contact placements@utoronto.ca.
Specific Information on Accident/Incident Reporting for Employees
Reporting of accidents to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board is done centrally through Health and Well-Being (HWB) Programs and Services.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board levies a fine of $250 for late reporting of a lost time or health care claim. Where this late reporting is a result of the failure of the department to report the accident to HWB, the department will be responsible for paying the fine.
- On the day of the incident, the employer is responsible for providing and paying for immediate transportation to a hospital, health professional office/clinic, or the worker’s home (if necessary), and for paying for full wages and benefits for the day or shift on which the injury occurred.
- Where supervisors are unable to fully complete the form within 24 hours, the form should still be submitted with the missing information to follow later. Use “Not Available” for missing information that is required.
- Health & Well-Being is responsible for all liaison with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and for the ongoing follow-up of claims. For assistance or information with respect to any claim, contact the HWB office at 416-978-2149.
Reporting of Critical Injury or Fatality
In addition to the reporting requirements outlined above, all critical injuries or fatalities must be immediately reported to the Ministry of Labour (MOL). Supervisors are responsible for taking the following steps:
- Procure immediate medical attention at 911 (Use your cell phone to dial 911. Do not call with Teams Phone)
- Notify UofT Campus Safety at 416-978-2222 (St. George and Scarborough Campus) or 905-569-4333 (Mississauga Campus)
- Notify Environmental Health and Safety at 416-978-4467 (who will liaise with the Ministry of Labour)
- Notify Health & Well-Being Programs & Services at 416-978-8804
- Notify the appropriate Joint Health and Safety Committee at the workplace
- If the injured person is an employee, notify the appropriate union (if any)
- Ensure the site of the accident remains undisturbed until a MOL inspector has arrived, and
- Investigate and prepare a written report on the circumstances of the accident.
What are Reportable Incidents?
Reportable incidents are those which:
- result in personal injury or lost time from work (including those requiring first aid and occupational illness)
- have the potential to result in personal injury or property damage even though no injury or damage actually occurred
- occur to any person on university premises
- occur to a university employee during the course of their work either on/off university premises
- occur to a student during the course of their classroom, laboratory or field work
- occur to a student during the course of a work placement (either paid/unpaid) which forms part of their university curriculum
- the above applies to incidents that occur outside of Ontario. If you will be working outside of Ontario for >6 months, you must contact the Health & Well-Being Office at 416-978-2149 to extend your WSIB coverage.
What is a “Critical Injury”?
A critical injury is defined as an injury of a serious nature that:
- places life in jeopardy
- produces unconsciousness
- results in substantial loss of blood
- involves the fracture of a leg or arm, but not a finger or toe
- involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot, but not a finger or toe
- consists of burns to a major portion of the body, or
- causes the loss of sight in an eye
The definition of a critical injury applies to “any person” which includes workers, students, contractors, and visitors.
In Case of Injury and Incident Decal (4″x6″ size) and (Letter size)