List of Committee Members

Name Department or Office Represented Local Biosafety Coordinator Building Jurisdiction
Dr. Cindi Morshead (Chair) Division of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine  
Dr. Martha Brown Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Medicine Medical Sciences Building
Dr. Shelley Brunt Department of Biological Sciences, UT Scarborough U of T Scarborough
TBA Pharmacy Pharmacy
Kathy Somers Research Safety and Compliance EHS Office
Robert Provost Research Safety and Compliance EHS Office
TBA Office Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy  
Ayoob Ghalami Research Safety and Compliance EHS Office
Dr. Scott D. Gray-Owen Molecular Genetics  
Dr. Jennifer Griffin Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases Krembil Discovery Tower (KDT)
Dr. David S. Guttman Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Faculty of Arts & Science
Dr. David Hanwell Research Oversight & Compliance Office  
Dr. Ahlia Khan Division of Teaching Laboratories  
Dr. Julianne Kus Department of Medicine and Pathology  
Dr. Celine Levesque Faculty of Dentistry Dentistry/MaRS
Genalyn Lo Occupational Health EHS Office
Rhain Louis Research Oversight and Compliance Office  
Sue McGlashan Information Risk Management  
Dr. Jeremy Mogridge Lab Medicine Pathology Medical Sciences Building
Dr. Trevor Moraes Department of Biochemistry Medical Sciences Building
Michael Munroe Director, Campus Police  
Dr. Kerri Nielsen Office Vice Dean, Research & Health Science Education Faculty of Medicine
Gordon Petre Environmental Protection Services  
Dr. James Rini Department of Biochemistry  MaRS
Dr. James Scott Public Health Sciences  
Dr. Jeremy Scott Dalla Lana School of Public Health Pharmacy/DLSPH/CCBR/ Engineering
Dr. Jumi Shin Chemical and Physical Sciences, UTM UTM
Heather Taylor Facilities Management & Space Planning  
Dr. Vince Tropepe Department of Cell and Systems Biology Faculty of Arts and Science
Dr. Rachel Zand Human Ethics Office, Research Oversight & Compliance Office (ROCO)