Summer is here! Stay Cool and Prevent Heat Stress

July 18, 2024

When working in hot environments, heat can put stress on your body’s cooling system. Heat combined with other stresses (such as humidity, air movement, clothing, physical work, loss of fluids, fatigue, or some medical conditions), may lead to heat-related illnesses. Therefore, early recognition and protection is important to prevent heat stress.

Tips to protect workers from heat stress:

  • Encourage workers to report concerns to their supervisor
  • Use a buddy system, where necessary
  • Reschedule heavy work for cooler parts of the day (e.g. morning)
  • Wear light-coloured and/or light-weight clothing
  • Reduce the temperature and humidity through air cooling
  • Take breaks in cool areas
  • Remind workers to stay hydrated; ideally drinking a cup of water about every 20 minutes even if not thirsty
  • Train workers to recognize signs and symptoms of heat stress

More Resources:

U of T Online Training Course EHS531 Heat Stress: Working in Hot Environments

U of T Guidelines on Heat Stress – Working in Hot Environments

Ministry of Labour Heat Stress Guidelines