I am a Supervisor

October 27, 2023

The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) residing in the Research Oversight & Compliance (ROC) unit within VPRI, has a comprehensive portfolio with a broad mandate for all three campuses with the objective of ensuring and facilitating a safe environment for all employees, students, visitors and contractors who engage in activities across our community and frequent any of our spaces.

EHS has a Director of Research Safety and Compliance who oversees the regulatory/legislative landscape pertaining to research related institutional compliance within the laboratory environment and reports to the AVP ROC-VPRI. EHS also has a Director of Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) who oversees the Occupational Health & Safety regulatory/legislative landscape (as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act) and facilitates institutional compliance broadly across all workplace environments as well as ensuring effective general safety measures are in place for all university spaces. The Director OHS reports to the AVP ROC-VPRI as well as the VPHRE.

UTM and UTSC both have OHS Managers who oversee all health and safety matters at their respective campuses. Both Managers report into the Director-OHS. EHS also works closely with various other units in different portfolios across the campuses in order to provide a comprehensive H&S framework designed to support specific client groups based on needs.

Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD)

If a MLITSD inspector arrives at the workplace or contact you by phone or email, please contact EHS as soon as possible (416-978-4467, ehs.office@utoronto.ca). EHS will provide support for the visit. For more information, please refer to: Role of MLITSD Inspectors.

Supervisor Health & Safety Resources

Health & Safety Resources


For a full listing, please visit the My EHS Training webpage.

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