Biosafety Training

Biosafety PictogramAll laboratory personnel and others whose work requires them to enter the laboratory must understand the chemical and biological hazards and be trained in appropriate safety precautions and procedures. Personnel are required to know, understand, and follow standard practices and procedures. In addition to EHS-mandated safety training, additional laboratory safety training shall be provided by the Principal Investigator or their designate and competence in safe techniques must be demonstrated and documented before the personnel is allowed to work with hazardous agents or toxic materials. Please see the EHS Training Matrix to know which training is required in addition to the specific biosafety training below.
Training Matrix for Lab Personnel
Training Matrix for Administrative and Facilities Staff


EHS601 Laboratory Biosafety Training
This online course is for all staff, students, and faculty members at the University of Toronto who will work with biological material. In this course, you will learn about the regulations regarding biological materials, what you need to do or have in place before you begin working with biological materials, how to work safely with biological materials, and the procedures for leaving or decommissioning a laboratory.

Principal Investigators (PI) are responsible for ensuring that each person under their direction is trained, understands the specific hazards associated with their work, and knows how to protect themselves from such hazards. All lab personnel must complete and sign with their PI, a Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement on Biosafety (MOU). More information on the MOU is covered in this course.

Method of Completion

Self-Enrol via
My EHS Training

Once (expires after 1 year, then take refresher EHS602)

EHS101 WHMIS and Lab Safety (Once)

EHS112 WHMIS   Refresher (Annually)

EHS602 Biosafety Refresher
The Human Pathogens and Toxins  Act (HPTA) require annual refresher training on handling bioagents. In order to meet this legal obligation EHS provides this online Biosafety Refresher course (EHS602) for all faculty, staff and students. This course reviews the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act and Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations and their implication for the University, faculty and personnel.

If you or your lab work with any bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, prions, natural and/or recombinant DNA & RNA; pathogens of plants or animal; tissues, cells, blood and/or body fluids from humans or animals, any synthetic form of human pathogens or toxin, proteins or toxins produced by, or derived from a micro-organism and able to cause disease in a human, animals or plants then you are required to take the course. This does not apply to people that do not use biological agents in their lab.
*Please be mindful of your own annual date to complete your Biosafety Refresher – No reminders will be sent*
Self-Enrol via
My EHS Training
Take after 601 expires (1 year) and then once every  year thereafter
EHS601 Laboratory Biosafety (Once)

EHS101 WHMIS and Lab Safety (Once)

EHS112 WHMIS Refresher (Annually)
EHS621 – Biosafety Refresher Course for Principal Investigators/Permit Holders
This online course outlines the regulatory framework for work with biohazardous materials and some of the responsibilities of a Biosafety Permit Holder at the University of Toronto.
This course replaces the regular Biosafety Refresher (EHS602) for PIs and permit holders. 
Self-Enrol via
My EHS Training
Take after 601 expires (1 year) and then once every  year thereafter
EHS601 Laboratory Biosafety (Once)

EHS101 WHMIS and Lab Safety (Once)
EHS112 WHMIS Refresher (Annually)

EHS603 Blood Borne-Pathogens
This online course reviews blood-borne pathogens and exposure control principles, practices, and requirements as mandated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and other regulations and guidelines.  The course covers immunization, post-exposure prophylaxis and other emergency response measures and reporting requirements.
All personnel need to attend this course and pass the test prior to starting work or study with:
– Blood-borne pathogens such as prions, hepatitis B or C virus, and HIV virus.
– Human blood products, such as whole blood, plasma, serum, platelets, and white cells; or other human body fluids such as semen, cerebrospinal fluid, vaginal secretions, joint fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fluid, or amniotic fluid.
– Human tissue, organs, or primary cell cultures.
– Animals, or animal blood or body fluids or unfixed tissues, infected with blood-borne pathogens, OR performing tasks where such animals are housed.
Self-Enrol via
My EHS Training
EHS601 Laboratory Biosafety (Once)
EHS602 Biosafety Refresher (Annually)
EHS101 WHMIS and Lab Safety (Once)
EHS112 WHMIS Refresher (Annually)

EHS101 WHMIS and Lab Safety
WHMIS training is a legal requirement for all employees and graduate students who work in a lab with or near hazardous materials (e.g., chemicals).
Self-Enrol via
My EHS Training
Once (expires after 1 year, then take refresher EHS112)

EHS112 WHMIS Refresher
This course is designed for those who have already taken WHMIS training (EHS101) at UofT. This refresher must be taken every year for those who continue to work with or near hazardous materials (e.g., chemicals).
*Please be mindful of your own date to complete your WHMIS Refresher – No reminders will be sent*
Self-Enrol via
My EHS Training
Take after EHS101 expires (1 year) and then once every year thereafter
EHS101 WHMIS and Lab Safety (Once)

EHS607 Principles and Practices of Biorisk Management

Next offering of this course is TBD

The Principles & Practices of Biorisk Management course is a comprehensive 5-day lecture series which introduces the essential elements of biosafety. Participants of this interactive course will have the opportunity to advance their biosafety knowledge in such areas as risk assessment, protective measures, facility and equipment requirements and governmental regulations. The course content has been developed and will be delivered by a diverse panel of experts in the field of Biosafety including University of Toronto Institutional Biosafety Committee members and provincial and federal regulators.
Target Audience: This course is intended for biosafety officers and hence background in (biology, microbiology and molecular biology) would be useful.
Schedule: This course is offered once per year.
0(Online & In-class)

EHS619 Special U of T Ground TDG training for people transporting biological agents between U of T buildings

Next offering of this course is TBD

Section 6.1 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Regulations states that a person who handles, offers for transport, or transports dangerous goods must be adequately trained and hold a training certificate. In compliance with the TDG Act, this training is only intended for staff and students at the University of Toronto that will be carrying genetically modified risk group one (RG1), clinical samples and RG2 biological agents between university buildings downtown or our teaching hospitals.
Please note: This training is not meant for people that will be shipping biological agents by carriers.
This training is only offered once a year.
Dates: TBA
Self-enroll via  My EHS Training
Every 3 years
EHS620 SARS-C0V-2 Biosafety Training Course
A short online course to assist those working with the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 or related biological materials. This course outlines some of the principles and practices that need to be addressed while working with SARS-CoV-2. This course is mandatory for anyone working with SARS-CoV-2: this includes, but is not limited to, the virus itself, cDNA, RNA, fixed tissue, infected or likely infected cells or tissue.
Self-Enrol via
My EHS Training
EHS601 Laboratory Biosafety,  EHS101 WHMIS and Lab Safety

Registering for Training
EHS courses are restricted to University of Toronto employees, students and externals conducting authorized activities at the university requiring specific EHS training as deemed necessary by management. Please refer to the EHS Training Matrices to learn which courses are required for your work at the university: 
Training Matrix for Lab Personnel  
Training Matrix for Administrative and Facilities Staff
Access to My EHS training requires you to log in with a UTORid and create a profile. If you do not have a UTORid, please refer to our guide: Completing EHS training for Externals for instructions on obtaining a Long-Term Guest UTORid and registering for training.


Health and Safety Pictogram

Visit our training webpage for further instructions.

Other EHS services


Chemical and Lab Safety PictogramChemical and Lab Safety
Environmental Protection Services PictogramEnvironment Protection Services
Accident Reporting Pictogram
Accident and Incident Reporting