NEW! Online Respiratory Protection Training and Fit-Testing Procedure

May 24, 2017

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has launched a new Online Respiratory Protection Training and Fit-Testing Procedure.

Individuals must register for EHS 532 Respiratory Protection Training (Online) at My EHS Training. Once registered, individuals will receive instructions on how to access the Portal course.

After individuals have completed the course content and passed the quiz, they will be permitted to schedule a respirator fit-test using the Fit Testing Schedule provided.

Fit-testing will only take place during the allotted time frames provided by EHS at the EHS office located at 215 Huron Street, 7th Floor – Small Seminar Room (unless otherwise specified).

Individuals will not be fit-tested unless the following conditions are met:

  • Online training has been successfully completed with a minimum grade of 70% (this requirement will be screened by EHS prior to each fit-testing date)
  • Individuals must be clean-shaven where the respirator is in contact with the face
  • Individuals must bring a completed Respirator User Screening Form to the fit-test appointment

In addition to the training, the following resources are available: