First Aid Training

Standard Workplace First Aid & CPR Level C (and AED)

Comprehensive two-day course offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills for identified first aiders. Course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and insurance boards and includes the latest first aid and CPR guidelines. Duration: 13–14 hours teaching time

At this time, training is available only to Identified First Aiders on St. George Campus. Employees at the Mississauga or Scarborough campuses should contact their local Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) office for information on first aid training.

If you have any questions regarding first aid training or first aid/AED stations, contact EHS at or 416.978.4467.

Updated: October 9, 2024

About First Aid Training

Learn more about First Aid and CPR/AED training and certification.

Register for Training

Sign up for an upcoming training session on St. George Campus.

Resources & Required Postings

Guidance documents, checklists, and posters for First Aiders.

First Aid Checklist

List of First Aid kit requirements.

In Case of Injury Poster

In Case of Injury or Illness at Work poster and other required postings.


Information on Naloxone and Naloxone kits in the workplace.

Additional Information

Additional first aid related information and resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to commonly asked questions.

About First Aid Training

Who is eligible to take First Aid and CPR/AED training?

Only Identified First Aiders who are responsible for First Aid stations are eligible to take the First Aid Training offered by the University. The University will pay for up to two (2) persons to attend per First Aid Station to cover absences and illness. Training is designed to meet the University’s obligations under Ontario R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 1101: First Aid Requirements under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 16, Sched. A.

Please note that employees who require first aid training as part of their regular job duties (e.g., lifeguards) or clinical settings must arrange for payment through their department.

How do I register?

All registrants must complete the First Aid Training Registration Form for Identified First Aiders and submit the form to The registration deadline is 10 business days prior to the course start date (depending on availability). Approved participants will then be sent a reminder and more information by e-mail closer to the date. A charge will be billed to the department of any person who registers but does not attend or does not provide notice of cancellation at least five business days prior to the course start date (exceptions on a case-by-case basis).

Standard First Aid for Identified First Aiders – 2025 Schedule, St. George Campus

DateCourse DeliveryInstructions for Participants
February 18-19, 2025 – CLOSEDTwo days, in-person, 9-5pmDo not attend unless registered*.
May 6-7 2025 – FULLTwo days, in-person, 9-5pm215 Huron Street, room 610 ( Do not attend unless registered*)
August 2025Two days, in-person, 9-5pmDates to be determined. 215 Huron Street, room 610 ( Do not attend unless registered*)
November, 2025Two days, in-person, 9-5pmDates to be determined. 215 Huron Street, room 610 ( Do not attend unless registered*)
*Do not attend unless you’ve registered with

First Aider’s Package

Additional Information

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

Units should notify EHS if they are purchasing or installing an AED or moving an existing AED. Prior to purchasing an AED, considerations should be given to:

  1. Working with your property manager/local facilities group (e.g., installation of an AED cabinet and signage).
  2. If the unit voluntarily chooses to install AEDs, they would be required to operate, inspect, and maintain the device according to the manufacturer’s instructions (e.g., frequency, checking the battery and expiration dates of gel pad, etc.).

Departments should also register their AEDs with the City of Toronto’s AED Registration for Paramedic 911 Communications website.

AED Instructions and Training

Review manufacturer’s instructions on the use of the AED device with applicable occupants. Training videos may also be available from the manufacturer.

Demonstration videos on common AED models at the University are available from the Mikey Network webpage.

* The Mikey Network is a charitable organization dedicated to the public awareness and expanding access to AEDs.

For a list of known AEDs on University of Toronto campuses, refer to the following UofT Maps:

St. George Campus – AEDs
Mississauga Campus – AEDs
Scarborough Campus – AEDs


  1. The checkbox next to the “AED” button should already be selected to show all building locations with AEDs.
  2. Click on the “AED” tab to view the AED locations as a list.
  3. Additional information about each AED location can be found within the card description. Buildings with multiple AEDs are also listed in the card description.

EHS AED Loaner Program

An AED is available for departments/units to borrow for University sanctioned events such as a staff events/recognized student group activities which the UofT department/unit has oversight. EHS will cover the cost of battery/pad replacement as needed. For more information, please contact

Additional Resources

Guidance for Workplace Identified First Aiders During the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB): First Aid Program

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